Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Season of Change

As the Autumn Equinox settles in, there is always something exciting and invigorating in the air. The cooler days, the crisp (often chilly) nights. Opportunities for bonfires, hikes through vibrant woodlands, and harvest are all great benefits of this time of year.

Yet there is something sad and ominous about this season. Another year is drawing quickly to a close. Long summer days are but a faint memory of days gone by. The threat of cold, sunless days loom nearer every day.
So it gives great opportunity to ponder change. The good and the bad. Change is mostly perceived as negative…
Let’s face it: change is hard. It causes us to leave our comforts, to embrace difficulties, and oh so often it is that we are losing hold of something that was once very dear to us.
But the exciting part? Change is healthy. It gives us an opportunity to think about new things, try new things and sometimes, become a better person. It takes us out of our comfort zone and gives us an opportunity to learn about life in a different way.
There are so many things that shouldn’t change and rightfully so.
But in the whole grand scene of life, if we didn’t change, if we didn’t transition from one season to the next, what would that say? 
Seasons Photography